Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Apr. 25, 2012 (Anti Servo Tabs)

Riveted the bottom of the Anti Servo Tab (AST) skin to the ribs.

Riveted the hinges to the AST.

All finished.

Also today I started prepping the parts for the Horizontal Stabilizer (H.S.) box spar.  Here's a picture of countersinking for flush rivets.

Here's a picture of the parts that will make up the HS box spar.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Apr. 24, 2012 (Anti-servo Tabs)

The AST control horns were then prepped and riveted to the end ribs.

Apr. 23, 2012 (Anti-servo Tabs)

Started work on the Anti Servo Tabs (AST).  These attach to the rear of the horizontal stabilizer.

Once the parts were match drilled and deburred the
skins were clecoed to the ribs and the top skins riveted.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Apr. 7,2012 (Rudder)

Riveted rudder horn to rudder rear spar.

Riveted ribs to rudder rear spar.

Prepped and clecoed rudder skin to rudder skeleton and riveted.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Apr. 4, 2012 (Vert. Stab.)

Today I got the vertical stabilizer skin clecoed to the vertical stabilizer skeleton.

Once I was satisfied with the fit, I started riveting it.

Here's the finished vertical stabilizer with the forward skin attached.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Apr. 3, 2012 (Vert. Stab.)

Attached ribs to Vert. Stabilizer rear spar.

Dimpled nutplates which will be added to the Vert. Stabilizer main skin.

Match drilled and debarred main Vert. Stabilizer skin and the forward skin.
Attached nut plates which will allow the forward skin to be attached to the main skin.